Welding Plastics by Hot Plate

In order to weld two or more sheets of plastic, their joints must be heated up by pressing the sheets together at the same time until the melting temperature is reached. The pressure should be maintained until the weld cools down.

Principles of hot plate plastic welding

Hot plate plastic welding is the easiest welding method for plastics. A hot plate is an aluminium plate (flat or shaped) with several embedded heat elements that are responsible for heating the plate so it can heat up the parts to be welded. The hot plate has usually a Teflon coating so plastics do not stick to it. The hot plate plastic welding method is very simple: the parts to be welded are first pressed against the hot plate. When these pieces have melted enough, the hot plate is then pulled away. The pieces are then pressed against each other by applying constant pressure until they cool down. The factors involved in the hot plate welding process are plate temperature, welding pressure, heating time and welding time. The resulting weld is very strong.

General uses of hot plate plastic welding

Hot plate welding can be used to weld most thermoplastic materials. Some typical uses include brake fluid reservoirs, fuel tanks, batteries, pallets, etc.


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